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Canada's Species   Insects

Tiger Beetles

Family Cicindelidae

Six-spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela sexguttata). Photo:Stephanie Boucher
Six-spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela sexguttata). Photo:Stephanie Boucher

Tiger beetles are bright metallic blue or green or iridescent in colour. The pronotum is narrower than the base of the elytra (modified front wings that protect the hind wings), and the head is wider than the pronotum. They also have large eyes, powerful mandibles and long legs. Tiger beetles are found in open sunny places, such as open fields, along unpaved roads and sandy beaches. The species that live on beaches are coloured to blend with the sand. Tiger beetles can run rapidly or fly a few metres when disturbed. They can also give a painful bite when handled. Tiger beetle larvae live in vertical burrows in the soil and stay at the entrance with their jaws wide apart waiting to capture passing insects.

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