This timeline contains some
of the major events that affect Canadian biodiversity.
Some are legislation or agreements that Canada has signed, some are the
creation of organizations, either Canadian or international, and some
are meetings.
Most events have links to
other pages in this section of the site. You can use these links to see
more information about a given organization or piece of legislation, but
to get a better view of how all this fits together it is recommended that
you read the following pages.
1868 Fisheries Act
1885 Banff National Park established
1887 Rocky Mountains Park Act
1909 Boundary Waters Treaty
1911 Dominion Forest Reserves and Parks Act
1916 Migratory Birds Protection Convention
1947 Dominion Wildlife Service, now the Canadian Wildlife Service, created
1971 Ramsar Convention
1971 UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) program
1972 United Nations Conference of the
Human Environment
1972 UNESCO Convention for the Protection
of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
1973 Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears
1973 Convention on the International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
1973 Canada Wildlife Act
1975 CITES enters into force
1977 COSEWIC created
1980 World Conservation Strategy
1982 United Nations World Charter for
1982 United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea
1983 International Tropical Timber Agreement
1986 North American Waterfowl Management
Plan (US and Canada, Mexico joins in 1994)
1987 The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development
(The Brundtland Commission) releases its report "Our Common Future"
1988 Diversity United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP)
1988 Canadian Environmental Protection
Act (CEPA)
1988 RENEW established
1989 UNEP's Ad Hoc Working Group of
Technical and Legal Experts meet
1990 Wildlife Policy for Canada
1991 Canadian Biodiversity Convention
Advisory Group
1991 Announcements for the Program for
the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
1992 Agenda 21
1992 Convention on Biological Diversity
1992 The United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED)
1992 Statement of Commitment to complete
Canada's Network of Protected Areas
1992 The National Forest Strategy
1993 Rio convention enters into force
1994 Canadian Biodiversity Science Assessment
1994 Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA)
1994 EMAN created
1995 Canadian Biodiversity Strategy
1995 Canadian Environmental Assessment
1996 WAPPRIITA (Wild Animal and Plant
Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act)
1996 Bill C-65 introduced
1996 National Accord for the Protection
of Species at Risk
1997 Canada Oceans Act
1998 The Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council (CESCC)
1999/2000 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) revised; new version
is CEPA 1999
2000 Report of the Panel on the Ecological
Integrity of Canada's Parks
2000 Minister's response to the Report
of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's Parks
2000 Species at Risk Act (SARA) introduced
and killed