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References by Type
Books and Articles | Web Sites
Reference | Difficulty |
Abe, T, SA Levin, and M Higashi, editors. 1997. Biodiversity: an ecological perspective. Springer, New York. | Specialist |
Balmford, A, KJ Gaston. 1999. Why biodiversity surveys are a good idea. Nature 398:204-205. | General |
Banfield, AWF. 1974. The mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. | General |
Baydack, RK. 2000. Science and biodiversity. in: Biodiversity in Canada: ecology, ideas and action, edited by S Bocking. Broadview Press, Peterborough, Ontario. | Intermediate |
Biehl, J, editor. 1999. The Murray Bookchin reader. Black Rose Books, Montreal. | Intermediate |
Biodiversity Science Assessment Team. 1994. Biodiversity in Canada: a science assessment for Environment Canada. Environment Canada, Ottawa. | Specialist |
Brocking, S, editor. 2000. Biodiversity in Canada: ecology, ideas and action. Broadview Press, Peterborough, Ontario. | Intermediate |
Brown, JH and MV Lomolino. 1998. Biogeography, second edition. Sinauer Associates, Incorporated, Sunderland, Massachusetts. | Intermediate |
Carson, R. 1962. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. | General |
Chapin, FS III, ES Zavaleta, VT Eviner, RL Naylor, PM Vitousek, HL Reynolds, DU Hooper, S Lavorel, OE Sala, SE Hobbie, MC Mack, and S Diaz. 2000. Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature 405:234-242. | Specialist |
Clark, AH. 1981. The freshwater molluscs of Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. | Specialist |
Cook, FR. 1984. Introduction to Canadian amphibians and reptiles. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. | General |
Costanza, R, R D'arge, R De Groot, S Farber, M Grasso, B Hannon, K Limburg, S Naeem, R V O'neill, J Paruelo, Rg Raskin, P Sutton, and M Van Den Belt. 1997. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital .Nature 387: 253-260. | Intermediate |
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Cronon, W, ed. 1995. Uncommon Ground. W.W. Norton and Company, New York, NY. | Intermediate |
Crooks, KR and ME Soulé. 1999. Mesopredator release and avifaunal extenctions in a fragmented sysem. Nature 400: 563-566. | Specialist |
Currie, DJ. 1991. Energy and large-scale patterns of animal- and plant-species richness. American Naturalist 137: 27-49. | Specialist |
Daily, GC, editor. 1997. Nature’s services: societal dependence on natural systems. Island Press, Washington DC. | Intermediate |
Diamond, I and GF Orenstein, editors. 1990. Reweaving the world: the emergence of ecofeminism. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. | Intermediate |
Diamond, JM. 1975. Assembly of species communities. in: Ecology and evolution of communities, ML Cody and JM Diamond, editors. Belknap Press, Cambridge. | Specialist |
Doak, DF, D Bigger, and EK Harding. 1998. The statistical inevitability of stability-diversity relationships in community ecology. American Naturalist 151: 264-276. | Specialist |
Dobson, AP. 1996. Conservation and Biodiversity. Scientific American Library, New York, NY. | General |
Ecological Stratification Working Group. 1996. A national ecological framework for Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa. | Specialist |
Ecoregions Working Group, Canada Committee on Ecological Land Classification. 1989. Ecoclimatic regions of Canada: first approximation. Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa. | Specialist |
Ehrenfeld, D. 1972. Conserving Life on Earth. Oxford University Press, New York. | Intermediate |
Ehrenfeld, PW. 1978. The arrogance of humanism. Oxford University Press, New York. | General |
Ehrlich, PR and AH Ehrlich. 1981. Extinction: the causes and consequences of the disappearance of species. Random House, New York. | Specialist |
Erlich, PR & Erlich, AH. 1981. Extinction: the causes and the consequences of the disappearance of species. Ballantyne Books, New York. | Specialist |
Erlich, PR and AH Erlich. 1981. Extinction: the causes and consequences of the disappearance of species. Random House, New York. | Intermediate |
Estes, JA and JF Palmisano. 1974. Sea otters: their role in structuring nearshore communities. Science 185: 1058-1060. | Specialist |
Fox, BJ and GLJ Kirkland. 1992. An assembly rule for functional groups applied to North American soricid communities. Journal of Mammology 73: 491-503. | Specialist |
Gaston, KJ, editor. 1996. Biodiversity: a biology of numbers and difference. Blackwell Science, Oxford. | Specialist |
Gaston, KJ. 2000. Global patterns in biodiversity. Nature 405:220-227. | Specialist |
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Green, DM, ed. 1997. Amphibians in decline: Canadian studies of a global problem. | Specialist |
Grubb, PJ. 1987. Global trends in species-richness in terrestrial vegetation: a view from the northern hemisphere. in: The organization of communities, past and present, edited by JHR Gee and PS Giller. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. | Specialist |
Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science 162:1243-1248. | Intermediate |
Hummel, M, ed. Protecting Canada's endangered spaces. Key Porter Books, Toronto. | Intermediate |
Huston, MA. 1994. Biological diversity: the coexistance of species on changing landscapes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. | Specialist |
Jablonski, D. 1986. Background and mass extinctions: the alternation of macroevolutionary regimes. Science 231: 129-133. | Specialist |
James, AN, KJ Gaston and A Balmford. 1999. Balancing the Earth's accounts. Nature 401: 323-324. | General |
Jones, CG, JH Lawton, and M Shachak. 1994. Organisms as ecosystem engineers. Oikos 69: 373-386. | Specialist |
Kerr, JT and DJ Currie. 1999. The relative importance of evolutionary and environmental controls on broad-scale patterns of species richness in North America. EcoScience 6: 329-337. | Specialist |
Kerr, JT and L Packer. 1999. Epicauta species richness patterns in North America: the importance of energy. Biodiversity & Conservation. 8: 17-628. | Specialist |
Kohyama, T. 1997. The role of architecture in enhancing plant species diversity. in: Biodiversity: an ecological perspective, edited by T. Abe, S. A. Levin, and M. Higashi. Springer, New York. | Specialist |
Lawton, JH. 1997. The roles of species in ecosystems: aspects of ecological complexity and biological diversity. in: Biodiversity: an ecological perspective, edited by T. Abe, S. A. Levin, and M. Higashi. Springer, New York. | Specialist |
MacArthur, RH, and EO Wilson. 1967. The theory of island biogeography. Princeton University Press, Princeton. | Specialist |
Magurran, AE. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton University Press, Princeton. | Specialist |
Mann, CC and ML Plummer. 1992. The butterfly problem. Atlantic Monthly (January):40-47. | General |
Margules, CR and RL Pressey. 2000. Systematic conservation planning. Nature 405:243-253. | Specialist |
McCann, KS. 2000. The diversity-stability debate. Nature 405:228-233. | Specialist |
Mills, LSM, ME Soulé, and DF Doak. 1993. The keystone-species concept in ecology and conservation. Bioscience 43: 219-224. | Specialist |
Mooney, HA, JH Cushman, E Medina, OE Sala and E-D Schulze, editors. 1996. Functional roles of biodiversity: a global perspective. Wiley, Chinchester. | Specialist |
Mosquin, T, PG Whiting, and DE McAllister. 1995. Canada’s biodiversity: the variety of life, its status, economic benefits, conservation costs and unmet needs. Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. | Intermediate |
Mulrennan, ME. 1998. A casebook of environmental issues in Canada.John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Toronto. | Intermediate |
Myers, N, RA Mittermeier, CG Mittermeier, GAB da Fonesca and J Kent. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403: 853-858. | Intermediate |
Naeem, S and S Li. 1997. Biodiversity enhances ecosystem reliability. Nature 390: 507-509. | Specialist |
Naeem, S, LJ Thompson, SP Lawler, JH Lawton, and RM Woodfin. 1995. Empirical evidence that declining biodiversity may alter the performance of terrestrial ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 347: 249-262. | Specialist |
Naess, A. 1973. The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movements: a summary. Inquiry 16:95-100. | Intermediate |
National Geographic Society. Field guide to the birds of North America, second edition. National Geographic Society, Washington DC. | General |
Nature. 1998. Audacious bid to value the planet whips up a storm.Nature 395: 430. | General |
New Scientist. 1992. Fishy business. New Scientist 134(1816):3. | General |
Noss, RF. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: a hierarchical approach. Conservation Biology 4:355-364. | Specialist |
Nowak, RM. 1999. Walker's mammals of the world, sixth edition, volumes 1 and 2. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. | General |
Paine, RT. 1966. Food web complexity and species diversity. American Naturalist 100: 65-75. | Specialist |
Paine, RT. 1980. Food webs: linkage, interaction strength and community infrastructure. Journal of Animal Ecology 49: 667-685. | Specialist |
Power, ME and LS Mills. 1995. The Keystone cops meet in Hilo. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10: 182-184. | Specialist |
Purvis, A and A Hector. 2000. Getting the measure of biodiversity. Nature 405:212-219. | Specialist |
Redhead, SA. 1989. A biogeographical overview of the Canadian mushroom flora. Canadian Journal of Botany 67:3003-3062. | Specialist |
Rosenzweig, ML. 1995. Species diversity in space and time. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. | Specialist |
Schultze, E-D and HA Mooney, editors. 1993. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. | Specialist |
Scott, WB and EJ Crossman. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin 184: Ottawa. | Specialist |
Scudder, GGE. 1999.Endangered Species Protection in Canada. Conservation Biology 13:963-965. | General |
Skiba, G. 1994. Are definitions really important? Biological Diversity Working Group Newsletter, May. | Intermediate |
Smith, B and JB Wilson.1996. A consumer's guide to evenness indices. Oikos 76: 70-82. | Specialist |
Soulé, ME, ed. Conservation Biology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland. | Intermediate |
Steele, JH. 1991. Marine functional diversity: ocean and land ecosystems may have diffrent time scales for their responses to change. BioScience 41: 470-474. | Specialist |
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Thoreau, HD. 1999. Walden. Oxford University Press, Oxford. | General |
Tilman, D, CL Lehman, and CE Bristow. 1998. Diversity-stability relationships: statistical inevitability or ecological consequence? American Naturalist 151: 277-282. | Specialist |
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Tilman, D. 2000. Causes, consequences and ethics of biodiversity. Nature 405:208-211. | Specialist |
Tokeshi, M. 1997. Species coexistance and abundance: patterns and processes. in: Biodiversity: an ecological perspective, edited by T. Abe, S. A. Levin, and M. Higashi. Springer, New York. | Specialist |
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Walker, BH. 1992. Biodiversity and ecological redundancy. Biological Conservation 6: 18-23. | Specialist |
Williamson, M and A Fitter. 1996. The varying success of invaders. Ecology 77:1661-1666. | Specialist |
Web Sites | |
Site | Difficulty |
Agarics, Boletes and Chanterelles | Specialist |
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | General |
Assessment of species diversity in the Montane Cordillera Ecozone | Specialist |
Biodiversity and Conservation online book | General |
Biodiversity and Worldmap | Specialist |
Biodiversity Conservation Network | General |
Biodiversity Portrait of the St. Lawrence | General |
Biodiversity Web | General |
Biodiversity WWW Sites | General |
Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods) | General |
Canada/MAB Program | Intermediate |
Canada's Biodiversity Convention Office | Intermediate |
Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network | General |
Canadian Biodiversity Information Network | General |
Canadian Botanical Conservation Network | General |
Canadian Ecozones | General |
Canadian Forest Service | Intermediate |
Canadian Museum of Nature | General |
Canadian Wildlife Federation | General |
CEPA (Canadian Environmental Protection Act) Environmental Registry | Intermediate |
Commission of Environmental Cooperation | Intermediate |
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada | Intermediate |
Conservation International Foundation | General |
Convention on Biological Diversity | Intermediate |
Defenders of Wildlife | General |
Ecological Monitoring and Assesment Network | Intermediate |
Eco-vignettes | General |
EMAN ecozone click map | General |
Endangered Species in Endangered Spaces | General |
Endangered species legislation in Canada | Specialist |
Environment Canada | General |
Environmental Defense | General |
Environmental Organization Web Directory | General |
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Intermediate |
Flora of North America | Specialist |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | Intermediate |
Geogratis: | Intermediate |
Global Warming and Terrestrial Biodiversity Decline | Intermediate |
Greenpeace | General |
Importance of Nature to Canadians Survey | General |
iucn.org | General |
Man and Biosphere | Intermediate |
Narrative Descriptions of Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada | Intermediate |
Natural Regions of Canada | General |
Negative Population Growth, Inc. | General |
Oceans Conservation | General |
Parks Canada | General |
Quebec Biodiversity Site | General |
Sierra Club of Canada | General |
Silver Plains | General |
Species at Risk in Canada | General |
Statistics Canada | General |
The Institute for Deep Ecology | Intermediate |
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization | Intermediate |
Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity: Focus on Amphibians | General |
Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity: Focus on Insects | General |
Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Insect Diversity | General |
Virtual Library of Ecology and Biodiversity | General |
World Conservation Monitoring Centre | General |
World Wildlife Fund Canada | General |
Zero Population Growth | General |
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