Rainbow smelt
Osmerus mordaux
The original geographic range
of smelt was along the eastern coast of North America. Although this species
was primarily anadromous, many native landlocked smelt populations are
located along the east coast and in the St. Lawrence River area. Early
in this century, smelt were introduced into waters connecting to the Great
Lakes, and by the 1930's, smelt had greatly expanded their geographic
range, having spread throughout all of the Great Lakes; presently smelt
are a dominant pelagic species in the Great Lakes. Since then, this species
has invaded many inland lakes of eastern Canada. Smelt prey heavily on
young-of-the-year fish, and their introduction into lakes has led to major
declines of native species, particularly lake trout, whitefish and cisco.
In addition, the introduction of smelt into lakes also leads to increased
levels of PCB's and mercury in top predators such as lake trout.