Tiger Salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum

Tiger Salamander. Photo:Larry Powell
The tiger salamander is the largest ambystome (genus Ambystoma) found in Canada, regularly reaching 203mm and with a record length of 330mm. It also the most variable in colour, with subspecies being black or brown or grey, with olive, brown, black, yellow or whitish spots or bars. A peculiar characteristic of this species is the presence of neoteny in some individuals, meaning that their adult body plan is similar to the juvenile form, including the presence of gills. This neoteny, coupled with tiger salamanders' size and great variation in colour patterns, may lead to misidentification as a mudpuppy. The most obvious way to distinguish between these two species is by counting the number of hind toes: members of the genus Necturus (mudpuppies) have four toes on hind feet whereas members of Ambystoma have five.

of Tiger Salamander in Canada