Humpback Whale
Megaptera novaeangliae

Humpback Whale. Photo:NOAA
The humpback whale is perhaps
the most numerous of the big whales in Canadian waters. It enjoys a vast
distribution along both Canadian coasts and indeed worldwide. The humpback
earned its name by the hump that breaches from the water prior to sounding.
The humpback is extremely gregarious, traveling in groups of up to 150
individual whales. It is very playful and is often seen breaching from
the water and diving back in head first, slapping the water with its flukes,
or doing underwater acrobatics. Humpbacks are also very curious and docile
and will approach divers and boats to inspect them. In the winter they
will migrate from the frigid arctic waters to warmer waters. Humpback
whales are primarily filter feeders but will also feed on some fish and
even some small birds when the opportunity arises.

of Humpback Whale in Canada