Harbour Seal
Phoca vitulina

Harbour Seal. Photo:Mont St-Hilaire Nature Center
The harbour seal is the most recognizable of the true seals and the most widespread of all the seals. It is well distributed along most of Canada's coastlines. Harbour seals are quite gregarious on land but are quick to disperse once in the water where they forage for food. They are very playful animals, and there are few people who have not seen the harbour seals' underwater acrobatics in the presence of a diver. One should not be fooled however, as they are still wild animals and have been known to bite if they feel threatened. Harbour seals feed heavily upon fish (up to 94% of their intake) and less so on molluscs. Harbour seal have recently come under attack by the fishing community because of their possible competition with the local fishing industry.

of Harbour Seal in Canada